The Three Minute Thesis competition challenges Caltech graduate students to explain their research in an engaging and clear three-minute talk intended for a non-specialist audience. Given Caltech’s prominence in science and engineering communities, we feel it's important to give Caltech graduate students the opportunity to practice communicating their science in ways that will resonate and inspire.
Join us to crown the winner on April 24, 2025 at 5:00 pm in the Chen 100 Lecture Hall or via livestream. The YouTube link will be posted to this page before the event begins on April 24. A reception will follow for in-person attendees.
There will be four prizes awarded:
The Caltech Library invites you to make a contribution of any amount to sponsor the People's Choice Award for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition on April 24 at the Chen Auditorium (and livestreamed online).
Please Note: Submissions will not be judged on video recording quality or editing capabilities. Finalist selection will focus on the presentation and the ability to communicate research to a non-specialist audience. Final presentations will be judged on the presentation and the ability to communicate research to a non-specialist audience.
The entries will be screened by a panel of librarians and campus communicators and the final competition judges are:
We are pleased to partner with Caltech Theater and Public Programming for the event. We also thank the following generous sponsors for making the competition possible.